Human life is the most important of all. It is what the Values of our Foundation are based on. We are making all efforts to save as many Ukrainians as possible using our knowledge and skills.
Right now the blossoms of the nation are becoming tempered.
The Future of Ukraine is in each Ukrainian person, it is in each of us.

Satisfying primary needs – food, security, roof over the head – is our main goal for today. Reaching this goal will let us achieve the main goal to to lay the foundation for a worthy future of the Ukrainian nation after our Victory.

Setting up our Foundation, we used a world-known Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as a reference. At the very basis – physiological needs of people (food, water, rest, sleep, health). Next level – safety (protection, accommodation, job as a source of income and a guarantee of confidence in the future). These basic levels become the basis for the rest of human needs: social (friendship, family, status, recognition) and at the highest level – desire of self actualisation.

During the war a lot of people have lost everything or almost everything: accommodation, job, confidence in the future. At the present day the number of registered internally displaced persons is over 1.4 million people.
In order to provide people with real support and hope that everything will get better, we decided to set up the Foundation. It has already become and will continue to be a part of a single flow of help and kindness. An important and indispensable part.



First of all, it is necessary to do things which you are good at. That is why since the first days we have become a reliable rear for our militaries by setting up our kitchen for their supply. Now our volunteers specialize in cooking food for displaced residents, territorial defense fighters and the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Those who need support get over 600 portions a day.

In our opinion, special attention must be given to children – the future of our nation. Most of all those who got injured, whose health both mental and physical had been harmed by the war. Our Foundation has a separate focus area dedicated to treatment and rehabilitation of those children.

Moreover, volunteers of the foundation provide the necessary medicines and satisfy medical requests of fighters defending the country.

Your skills also have to be used for the common good. Members of the Foundation know how to make high-quality clothes and be responsible for sewing the orders. That is why since the invasion of the enemy they have started to sew unloading vests and military gear for the defenders of the Motherland.
Help is needed for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as for territorial defence, Security Service of Ukraine, National Police of Ukraine, National Guard of Ukraine. Sewing of all necessary items has been arranged for them.

We understand how terrible it is to end up without the roof over your head. For this reason we are ready to share our own homes; look for and equip housing for temporary shelter of those who were evacuated from the regions of military actions or who lost their house and will not have a place to return to coming from abroad. Also, we perfectly understand the needs of people forced to leave their homes. The Foundation provides them with all that they need: from food packages to household goods. We provide humanitarian help to those who really need it.
We will continue doing it until Ukraine restores everything which has been destroyed.

Steps which we have planned will create a solid base for the further work of our team of volunteers and those who will decide to join the restoration of the country.

We look ahead. We are convinced of the victory of Ukraine. By joint efforts.

After the victory there will be a lot of work for Ukrainians – hard, meticulous but absolutely necessary. We will need to restore the country, restore damaged and destroyed property, housing, infrastructure. The foundation is planning to be involved in the development of Ukraine through the implementation of this Program and other targeted charitable activities.



Human life is the most important of all. It is what the Values of our Foundation are based on. We are making all efforts to save as many Ukrainians as possible using our knowledge and skills.
Right now the blossoms of the nation are becoming tempered.
The Future of Ukraine is in each Ukrainian person, it is in each of us.

Satisfying primary needs – food, security, roof over the head – is our main goal for today. Reaching this goal will let us achieve the main goal to to lay the foundation for a worthy future of the Ukrainian nation after our Victory.

Setting up our Foundation, we used a world-known Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as a reference. At the very basis – physiological needs of people (food, water, rest, sleep, health). Next level – safety (protection, accommodation, job as a source of income and a guarantee of confidence in the future). These basic levels become the basis for the rest of human needs: social (friendship, family, status, recognition) and at the highest level – desire of self actualisation.

During the war a lot of people have lost everything or almost everything: accommodation, job, confidence in the future. At the present day the number of registered internally displaced persons is over 1.4 million people.
In order to provide people with real support and hope that everything will get better, we decided to set up the Foundation. It has already become and will continue to be a part of a single flow of help and kindness. An important and indispensable part.

read more

First of all, it is necessary to do things which you are good at. That is why since the first days we have become a reliable rear for our militaries by setting up our kitchen for their supply. Now our volunteers specialize in cooking food for displaced residents, territorial defense fighters and the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Those who need support get over 600 portions a day.

In our opinion, special attention must be given to children – the future of our nation. Most of all those who got injured, whose health both mental and physical had been harmed by the war. Our Foundation has a separate focus area dedicated to treatment and rehabilitation of those children.

Moreover, volunteers of the foundation provide the necessary medicines and satisfy medical requests of fighters defending the country.

Your skills also have to be used for the common good. Members of the Foundation know how to make high-quality clothes and be responsible for sewing the orders. That is why since the invasion of the enemy they have started to sew unloading vests and military gear for the defenders of the Motherland.
Help is needed for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as for territorial defence, Security Service of Ukraine, National Police of Ukraine, National Guard of Ukraine. Sewing of all necessary items has been arranged for them.

We understand how terrible it is to end up without the roof over your head. For this reason we are ready to share our own homes; look for and equip housing for temporary shelter of those who were evacuated from the regions of military actions or who lost their house and will not have a place to return to coming from abroad. Also, we perfectly understand the needs of people forced to leave their homes. The Foundation provides them with all that they need: from food packages to household goods. We provide humanitarian help to those who really need it.
We will continue doing it until Ukraine restores everything which has been destroyed.

Steps which we have planned will create a solid base for the further work of our team of volunteers and those who will decide to join the restoration of the country.

We look ahead. We are convinced of the victory of Ukraine. By joint efforts.

After the victory there will be a lot of work for Ukrainians – hard, meticulous but absolutely necessary. We will need to restore the country, restore damaged and destroyed property, housing, infrastructure. The foundation is planning to be involved in the development of Ukraine through the implementation of this Program and other targeted charitable activities.

protection help support hope rest




Providing supply of hot meals to the following categories of beneficiaries:

  • subdivisions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including those of territorial defence, the Security Service of Ukraine,the National Police of Ukraine, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and other military formations and law enforcement agencies;
  • internally displaced persons;
  • low-income people or people who need additional social assistance and support (lonely elderly citizens, disabled people, children left without parental care including children in boarding schools or orphanages etc);
Humanitarian aid

Humanitarian aid

Receipt and distributing among all categories of beneficiaries of humanitarian aid in the form of:

  • food;
  • means of personal hygiene;
  • medicines and medical supplies;
  • baby food, diapers, clothes for children, toys;
  • food for animals;
  • means for rendering pre-medical care (hemostatic drugs etc.), individual civic and tactical first aid kits.
Internally displaced persons

Internally displaced persons

Provision of accommodation services for temporary residence, as well as search and selection of housing for the following categories of beneficiaries:

  • internally displaced persons;
  • people evacuated from places of military activities;
  • people who lost their homes in the result of armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.


Production and collection of necessary clothes, gear, personal protective equipment for the following categories of beneficiaries:

  • units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including Territorial Defense, the Security Service of Ukraine, the National Police of Ukraine, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and other military formations and law enforcement agencies;


Organization, purchase and transfer of necessary equipment for special purposes, individual uniforms, protective equipment for units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine including Territorial Defense, the Security Service of Ukraine, the National Police of Ukraine, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and other military formations and law enforcement agencies.



Humanitarian aid Humanitarian aid

Humanitarian aid

Internally displaced persons Internally displaced persons

Internally displaced persons

Production Production


Volunteering Volunteering


Providing supply of hot meals to the following categories of beneficiaries:

  • subdivisions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including those of territorial defence, the Security Service of Ukraine,the National Police of Ukraine, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and other military formations and law enforcement agencies;
  • internally displaced persons;
  • low-income people or people who need additional social assistance and support (lonely elderly citizens, disabled people, children left without parental care including children in boarding schools or orphanages etc);

Receipt and distributing among all categories of beneficiaries of humanitarian aid in the form of:

  • food;
  • means of personal hygiene;
  • medicines and medical supplies;
  • baby food, diapers, clothes for children, toys;
  • food for animals;
  • means for rendering pre-medical care (hemostatic drugs etc.), individual civic and tactical first aid kits.

Provision of accommodation services for temporary residence, as well as search and selection of housing for the following categories of beneficiaries:

  • internally displaced persons;
  • people evacuated from places of military activities;
  • people who lost their homes in the result of armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

Production and collection of necessary clothes, gear, personal protective equipment for the following categories of beneficiaries:

  • units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including Territorial Defense, the Security Service of Ukraine, the National Police of Ukraine, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and other military formations and law enforcement agencies;

Organization, purchase and transfer of necessary equipment for special purposes, individual uniforms, protective equipment for units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine including Territorial Defense, the Security Service of Ukraine, the National Police of Ukraine, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and other military formations and law enforcement agencies.




items of equipment have been handed over to the military


people have been fed with hot meals


refugees have received humanitarian aid kits



Fundraising for a car for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Fundraising for a car for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

  • Required: 160 000 uah
    ($4 700)
  • Raised: uah
Fundraising for armor for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Fundraising for armor for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

  • Required: 500 000 uah
    ($15 000)
  • Raised: uah
Fundraising for delivery of humanitarian cargo

Fundraising for delivery of humanitarian cargo

  • Required: 45 000 uah
    ($1 360)
Fundraising for 1 meal for refugees, territory protection and the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Fundraising for 1 meal for refugees, territory protection and the Armed Forces of Ukraine

  • Required: 50 uah

Distribution of the funds

90 kopiyka

from each donated hryvnia is spent for the help of people

1 hryvnia

  • 50 kopiyka

    are spent on the equipment for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

  • 20 kopiyka

    are spent on purchase of food for displaced people

  • 20 kopiyka

    are spent on medicines for fugees



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